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How to get looting in the franching vessel in Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64: Plunder in the Sunken Ship Super Mario 3D All Stars will see many new players discover classic games for the first time, or maybe your memory is a little blurred since the moment you played these classics the first time. In any case, you may find this guide on how to get the Star Plunder in the Sunken Skip of Jolly Rodger Bay of Super Mario 64.

To get looting in the star of the ship engulfed in Mario 64, you will need to swim up to Jolly Rodger Bay. Here you will find a silent ship, but do not try to swim inside. You will first need to tease a huge evil from starting so that you can enter inside. Swim near the eel, then head to the surface. The eel will leave, and you can swim back to the ship and return inside.

Now, there are four chests, and you have to open them in a specific order. If you hurt it, you will have to start again. You do not need to reset anything, it will happen automatically if you make a mistake.

Open the chests in the following order:

The elevator platform at the far right On the left, the closest to the door you used to enter Left, far from the door Between

Since Mario is a level S plumber, the water in the room will flow. Now, jump on the platforms to get the block at the top, and you will receive the booty in the star of the ship engulfed.


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